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interview: tiffany koh, the sweet globe trotter

When I came across Tiffany’s instagram page, I knew she was not that typical “sneaker girl”. With her sweet look, her open-minded vision of life and her badass personality, Tiffany is one of a kind.

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At first, the little globe trotter seems charming but once she shows her true colours, you see that she has that fiery spirit.

Sneakie: Tell me a bit about yourself, your age, and why you decided to come to London to study Fashion Management.

Tiffany: I am 26. I was working in the fashion industry in Singapore and decided to take a break and come to London to study fashion and live here for a while.

S: I first came across your Instagram page, that is super cool and I love the way you showcase streetstyle. How have you been inspired by the street culture and the "street style" atmosphere?

T: I like making cool pictures and capturing vibes.

I was always fascinated by streetwear, rap and the whole culture associated with it. I learn a lot about streetwear through my younger brother who is a huge sneakerhead. Also, moving to London made me get more into street style as basically everyone is into trainers here.

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S: What was the first pair of sneakers you bought?

T: Nike free 4.0 flyknits (attached a pic)

S: You are originally from Singapore. How would you describe the fashion scene there compared to London?

T: The fashion scene in Singapore is not as vibrant as compared to London, street style here is definitely more interesting and authentic. But I do feel that fashion in Singapore is slowly changing and will develop its own identity eventually.

S: What makes you like sneakers?

T: I started getting into sneakers as my brother is a sneaker collector. Then I started to learn more about limited edition sneakers and the sneaker community. The whole sneaker culture and all the hype surrounding it was just very cool to me.

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S: What is your absolute favorite pair of trainers? And your favourite one from you closet?

T: I would love to own the A.P.C. Nike Free OG Superior in Beige... They are soooo nice.

My favourites are my Liquid Silver Airmax1. I was looking for them for the longest time and thought that I would never be able to get my hands on them since they are so limited. I felt like the luckiest person alive to get them when they were rereleased in London last year.

S: Which SS15 designer sneakers do you like the most?

T: Not designer, but I really do like the new Yeezy x Adidas collection.

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S: In terms of fashion, how do you usually style your sneakers?

T: I would say that the way I wear sneakers is pretty unconventional. I don't dress like the typical sneaker girl. I can look a bit too girly sometimes, so sneakers are an easy way to edge up my outfits. I like matching tailored/classic pieces with casual sneakers to add a sporty element to my look.

S: Who's your favourite artist / singer ?

T: I've been listening to a lot of future beats lately. STWO, Cashmere Cat, and Jai Wolf are DJs that I am into now.


S: Have you ever thought of having a blog?

T: I have thought of starting up a streetwear blog for girls that would essentially be the female version of Hypebeast.

S: What is the next place you would like to travel to? Why?

T: Greece and/or Bali... I love being on the beach and sometimes miss tropical weather!

S: Is there a funny fact about yourself you would like to share?

T: Nothing makes me happier than perfectly manicured nails.

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