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fitness: the real tips to loose belly fat before summer

While we’re all trying to get abs, that thing we all hate so much, that makes us cry when it’s bikini time and that prevent to put your favourite jeans on… that thing called fat. Indeed, it’s not easy to get rid of it, especially when we all suffer (as women) of stress, sugar cravings, etc. But here are some tips to help you get those abs you all want.

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Sports, gym, etc:

As you probably already know, cardio training on a regular basis is most definitely important. Think fractional. Working out per fractions will help you get organize, follow your routine easily and loose the fat fast. But you need to be patient and strong-minded.

For beginners, the best thing to do is to work out at least 40 minute a day. Don’t start attacking the abs so quickly, you first need to take the fat off your body by running, cycling or doing high hit interval work outs. You will get to find all the videos you need on Youtube where some channels are dedicated to home or outdoor workouts, like here or there.

For advanced ones, 20-minute workouts should be enough counting 2 to 4 sessions per week.

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In the kitchen:

Drink LOADS of water. It is the healthiest advice you will ever get. Especially during the workouts, it allows the metabolism to burn the fat faster. One to two liters a day is ideal.

Eat apples! Pectin helps to catch fats inside the stomach and it has the power of filling you up very quickly.

Other fruits like raspberries are rich of flavonoids and athocyvans that reduce the assimilation of fats and sugar.

Love the courgette. This vegetable has a strong diuretic power for its big content of potassium. It also burns calories and helps to digest, exactly like broccolis.

Peppers are low-calorie vegetables and get a bit of sugar and fats away from the organism.

Tannins in green tea also reduce the assimilation of fats. They have polyphenols controlling the hormones responsible of stress which stocks the fats. But be careful not to drink more that 3 cups of tea a day!

Salmon is a very good source of omega 3. It helps getting the right amount of vitamin D and activate the metabolism allowing fat burning.

But try to avoid:

Processed wheat that increases blood sugar level and stocks fats inside the body.

Sodas, even light ones (like Diet Coke) as aspartames have the same effect as processed sugar on the brain and increase the production of insulin in the blood. In addition, gaz is the result of bloating.

White rice increases the amount the insulin in the blood and favours the fats stocking. In addition, it has a low satiety level because it has been uncluttered from its cereal fibers. Brown and wild rice would be better for your metabolism and health.

Junk food like crisps and burgers makes your stomach bloats because they are hard to digest and are slow in the intestinal transit system, like any other fried foods.

Saturated fats (ham for example) should be one of the biggest enemies if you would like to have the fat tummy of your dreams. The important amount of salt provokes water retention.

And don’t forget: quality over quantity.

Don’t starve yourself. But in order to have a good health, it’s always better to eat a small nice meal (such as healthy pasta) rather than a huge plate of goat cheese salad. It works the same for workouts: do them well rather than killing yourself at the gym and not getting results!

Voilà girls! Get on it now, and good luck.

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