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nike launches an insta shop

Giant Nike launches into online shopping through Instagram @Nikewomen. Sneakie explains this 2.0 phenomena.

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For the insta addict girls who dream of new Air Max and those who like running, you will probably be delighted to know that Nike has a shop on your favourite social media platform. Indeed, brands intensify their inguenity by offering a new way of shopping to their customers. For example, Maje just launched its concept of online sales, Majexclusive, that allows you to buy one limited edition item per month. Sportswear giant Nike offers the same concept but on another platform that no one thought about before, Instagram.

Yes, that is right. Nike creates its first Instagram shop. You can buy leggings as you can get sneakers through your smartphone. Despite being innovative, this concept is not revolutionary. Micheal Kors has already launched this idea a few months ago. But how does an Instagram shop work?

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Nike won't stop surprising us. For Spring/Summer 2015, the brand collaborates with Sacai to create a very sporty collection. Nike also launches into the 2.0 online shopping process. How? Thanks to its Insta shop @Nikewomen. How does that work? It is simple. If you don't have an Instagram account yet, get one. Follow them. While scrolling through the pictures, you may come across a pair of sneakers you want to buy. All you have to do is to go on @Nikewomen's bio and click on the link shown. You will be redirected to Nike's online store only made for Instagram. On there, you will find the picture of the sneakers that you can then purchase. This process is not the quickest we have known, but they are getting there !

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